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First Free Public School

The Territorial Legislature, February, 1866, authorized the levy of a tax for the support of schools within each district. Pursuant to this act Mayor Leonard E. Harrington called a meeting and the majority of citizens of American Fork approved the plan. School opened in November, 1867 with Jos. B. Forbes, E.A. Henroid, Editha Anderson and Elizabeth G. Griffith, teachers. Wm. Greenwood, Wm. Paxman, James W. Preston, trustees. American Fork thereby became Torch Bearer of the present free school system.

“When upon Life’s Path We Tread”, sang 25 lusty young voices as morning school bells called the students to order. Those lyrics to the tune “Hark, Listen to the Trumpeters”, from the old Sunday School Song Book, were favorites of that school class. “When upon life’s path we thread, we come to many a place, where if not careful we will fall and sink into disgrace. So, my children one and all, please mind your parents dear and teacher, as you go through life then you’ll have not to fear. Through life’s journey…” “When the pioneers moved to the west, with courage strong they met the test. They pushed their handcarts all day long as they pushed they sang this song. For some must push and some must pull as we go marching up the hill; so merrily on our way we go until we reach the valley-o” Picture of handcart and an ox cart etched on south side.


Check out all of the historic markers placed by the Daughters of Utah Pioneers at JacobBarlow. com/dup