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Goshute people were one band of many Shoshone Indians living in the Great Basin Region.

The term “Gosiute” means, Kusiutta” describing their original dusty, well-traveled look. Goshute people inhabited the lush riparian areas of the region including Deep Creek Valley long before the coming of settlers. Other tribes conducted raids on the Goshutes to acquire slaves for trade, which contributed to the depiction of the Goshute’s deprived state. In this environment, Goshutes were resourceful and cunning.

Living in small family groups, they ate berries, pinenuts, pickleweed, insects and small game, and lived in roofless, brush windbreaks or cedar bow wickiups. Clothing was scare, consisting of fur pelts made into capes, breech cloths, leggings or moccasins, and woven fiber skirts for the women.

By the 1860s, the Goshutes were seriously threatened by an influx of settlers which diminished their food resources. The Indians eventually adapted many of the white mans ways on government and church farms established in Deep Creek Valley in 1914. Today, the Goshutes have tribal government promoting various forms of industry.

Early Goshute heads of families:

  • Chief Antelope Jake
  • Annie’s Tommy
  • Wes Johnson
  • Wilson Bonnemont
  • Alex Clover
  • Commodore
  • Tommy Muggins
  • Johnny Pete
  • Webb Pete
  • Johnny Syme
  • Trim Thicket
  • Egan Jack
  • Sleepy Jim
  • Tom Egan
  • Dick Egan
  • Joe Lucky
  • Chief White Horse
  • Chief Toobuka
  • Fish Springs Charlie
  • Joe Trim

This historic marker is located in Ibapah, Utah