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Consolidated Telephone-Telegraph Company Building

Consolidated Telephone-Telegraph Company Building

This building was the communications center of Goldfield from 1908 until 1963. The Consolidated Telephone-Telegraph Company Building was one of the few spared by a fire that destroyed 53 blocks of the downtown area in 1923. Today, this building survives as an unspoiled expression of the work of turn-of-the-century craftsman, and serves as an example of the business life in the Tonopah-Goldfield area from the years when the mines were producing millions and bringing new prosperity to Nevada. From 1904 to 1910, the gold mines of the region boomed. With more than 15,000 people, Goldfield was the largest city in Nevada during that period, having four railroads and other modern conveniences. The town was damaged by a flash flood in 1913 and mining was in decline, so many people left the area. The fire of 1923 caused the remaining residents to leave. Today the largest employer in Goldfield is Esmeralda County.

This is Nevada State Historical Marker #242, located outside the Esmeralda County Courthouse in Goldfield, Nevada. See others on this page:

The Southern Nevada Consolidated Telephone-Telegraph Company Building was built in 1905, telephone and telegraph lines were first extended from Tonopah to Goldfield in January 1904. By mid-1907 at the peak of Goldfield’s boom, with over 20,000 people, telephone and telegraph service had become an indispensable element of business and mining activity. After the decline of Goldfield and for the next six decades, this building continued to serve the communication needs of the area. Jim Casey co-founder of UPS owned and operated a messenger service in this building in 1906.

Located in the Goldfield National Historic District in Goldfield, Nevada

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