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In the spring of 1849, Samuel Comstock Snyder and Parley P. Pratt cut a road up “Big Canyon” and found what became known as “Parley’s Park.” The road became a toll road for Wells Fargo, the Overland Stage, and other travelers. In 1850 Parley P. Pratt sold his claim to the valley to Snyder for a yoke of oxen. Samuel Snyder and his family became the first of many to build homes in the basin. Millers by trade, Snyders built a gristmill, a sawmill, and a reservoir on Spring Creek. They supplied lumber for homes and for the developing mining industry. Upon a prominent knoll a cemetery was established, in which 27 Snyder Descendants have since been buried. Many markers were made of sandstone, cut and carved by a loving hand, and tell the story of a typical family who lost many children to disease and the rigors of pioneer life. The Snyderville Cemetery was dedicated in 2001.



Check out all of the historic markers placed by the Daughters of Utah Pioneers at JacobBarlow.com/dup

This is the page for the Daughters of Utah Pioneers marker in the Snyderville Pioneer Cemetery, click here for the Sons of Utah Pioneers marker at the same cemetery, or here for Snyderville in general.