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The town of Redmond established in 1875 with John Johnson as the first Bishop and Mayor, received its name from the three red mounds that form part of the grey hills to the west of town. The Redmond Town Hall has been a landmark in Redmond for many years. The adobe part of the Town Hall 24 feet x 36 feet was built in 1881 by the people of the town who were asked to donate both work and money. Boys who were 12 years of age and older were asked to help. A two-story rock addition was constructed after 1891. The rock for the addition was taken from the quarry east of Redmond. Since that time the citizens of Redmond have made extensive renovations to the Town Hall. This building served at first as a schoolhouse and a church. It has been used as a youth center, a place to vote, a hall for family dinners, senior citizens center and a jail, and the Legion Hall. For years the bell was rung one-half hour before church was to start and then again at the church starting time. It was rung for the beginning of school, for any emergency such as a fire or a lost child, for cleanup day, and nightly curfew. Much of the history of Redmond is reflected in the Town Hall.

This is Daughters of Utah Pioneers historic marker #466 located at the Redmond Town Hall at 18 West Main Street in Redmond, Utah