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Wright Home
778 West Lakeview Road in Lindon

Hyrum Wright worked as an apprentice bricklayer as a young man, and in 1900 built this five-bedroom, two-story farmhouse to house his family. Several Wright children were born in the first floor bedroom of this home, which was also called the birthing room.

The home was originally without electricity, so when electric lines were first brought into Lindon about 1906,
Mr. Wright happily installed electricity in the house. Heat was provided by several small wood stoves, each of which attached to one of four tall chimneys (now missing). Originally water was obtained from a pump in the front yard.

The Wright farm produced sugar beets for the nearby sugar factory, and the Wrights also raised chickens, milk cows, fruit and hazelnut trees, and vegetables. Barns containing farming equipment and animals stood in back of the house.

The spacious home was available for many community gatherings, and most Lindon funerals were held in the large front parlor (lower left). In later years, the Wright land was used as a nursery, and the trees still standing in the old lakefront Lindon Park were donated for that use by Mr. Wright.

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